Chatham County

Mosquito Control

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Chatham County Mosquito Control is responsible for providing a comprehensive, cost effective mosquito abatement program for Chatham County and all of its municipalities.

This is accomplished through the implementation and integration of various safe and environmentally sound mosquito control measures to protect all Chatham citizens from pestiferous and medically important mosquitoes.

Chatham County is the most northern coastal county in Georgia, with a land area of approximately 438 square miles.The area includes a variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, such as coastal barrier islands, urban landscape, and xeric sandhill regions. Forty species of mosquitoes are known to occur in the county. Chatham County Mosquito Contrtol has a staff of twenty-nine and is fortunate to be an independent county department, reporting directly to the County Manager.

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Mosquito Forecast

For July 27 - August 2, 2024


West Nile has become our center of attention during the last week as 58 samples were reported positive for the virus. It should be noted that a number of these samples were collected three to four weeks ago because testing had been delayed because of a backlog of samples in the lab. Fortunately, our in-house testing of local mosquitoes had detected virus early in the season, allowing us to begin operations directed at vector mosquitoes in a timely manner. Control efforts will continue throughout the county as needed, particularly in areas where virus is detected. Those residents interested in knowing when aerial missions for controlling adult mosquitoes in their area will take place can register on the Smart911 system, please vitsit:

Chatham County Mosquito Control
(912) 790-2540

Mosquito Prevention

It is easy to help stop mosquitoes from reproducing and spreading disease. Mosquitoes need standing water to breed.
Keep all containers around your home free from standing water!

Mosquito Prevention Mosquito Prevention Mosquito Prevention Mosquito Prevention Mosquito Prevention